How to get an account set up for Bundledocs? 

If you get a request to set up an account for Bundledocs, please ask for partner approval and then contact Adrian Sutantio.

Please see below sample invite email from Bundledocs. The sample invite will come from this email address:

You can download the Bundledocs Training Manual in the email which contains everything you need to know to create the perfect bundle. 

Whether you are creating your first bundle or require more advanced features, the manual can guide you through it all.

Then click Activate

Create a Password to Continue or Enter Password to continue

Click Continue, then you'll see a pop up message that your account has been set up.

Enter Email Address, tick the check box next to Remember email and then click Continue. 

Tick the check box next to Remember email and tick the check box next to Keep me signed in for one week. Then click Sign in

Once you have click Sign in, you should see the following screen to Create a New Bundle