If you received a ticket in Fresh Service to Onboard users to Avvoka, please follow these steps to create an account which will allow users to access the Maddocks precedent library within the Avvoka document automation and negotiation platform.

See video recording: Avvoka Technical Training for HD-20240410_113259-Meeting Recording.mp4 OR Scribe for more detailed steps: Add a new User to Avvoka | Scribe (scribehow.com)


Step1: Add the user to the Prod SSO group

Go to Azure Portal Groups

Groups - Microsoft Azure

Enter Avvoka - Prod in the Search field

Click Avvoka - Prod

Click Member

Then Add members


For Example to add Georgian Adair, Enter Georgina in the Search field

Click Georgina Adair and then click Select

You will then see a message on the top right corner of the screen 'Member successfully added'

Step 2: Add user in the Avvoka platform 

  1. Login to Avvoka Production: Avvoka Production, click login using SSO
    1.a. Dev access: https://maddocks-dev.avvoka.com/users/sign_in
  2. Click on the Support Tab -> Profiles -> Base User Profiles -> Profile Users -> Add New User

  3. Type in the user email, first name and last name. New Document is the standard permission (able to create new document without the ability to edit Template) or onboard (ability to edit the template) if needed.
  4. Then go to all folders in Template Tab: Templates | Avvoka and click edit (pencil icon). Start from the top level folder

  5. Click Manage Users, Add all users with View rights and then click update Folder
  6. Do this for all folders, other than: iCare and Resolve, unless if the user you are adding belong to the team or if the instruction specifically asks you to add the new user into that group. If that the case, see the extra steps below

Step 3: Add user in the specific folder

If the user you are adding are part of Construction, iCare or Resolve team, you will also need to add them into this extra group. To do that follow the steps below

  1. Click on the edit button next to the folder you want to give access to
  2. This time, Click on add user button, because these folder are restricted to only select users in the team.
  3. Go to the bottom of the list, find the email from the dropdown list, change the folder rights to view and leave template rights to new documents
  4. Scroll all the way to the top and hit update folder