1. Deleting paired devices via HYPR control centre- Workstation and web 
Super administrators have access to perform all Workstation and Web tasks in HYPR control centre. 

- Helpdesk user logs into HYPR admin portal at https://maddocks.hypr.com/login
- The below needs to be done under the STANDARD profile.

- Select the ‘Workstation’ option on left panel

- Select ‘User Management’ Tab
 - Locate user via username using the search bar
- Delete via the trash icon.

- If user has multiple devices under their name, delete all pairings if required. 

-The below will need to be done under the ADVANCED profile

- Select the HYPR Workstation Application dropdown on the left hand side.

- Locate ‘HYPR Web Application’ on the left panel

- Select ‘User Management’ Tab on the left hand side
 - Search for the user via email address in the search bar. 
- Select the user to drop down their profile.
 - Delete via the trash icon.

- If user has multiple devices under their name, delete all pairings if required.