Generating recover pin for users in below cases: 

  • User forgetting phone for the day but in office
  • User Windows Hello for business back-up methods are not set-up 
  • User Windows Hello for business fingerprint not working, pin not working
  • This should not be done over email. If can not be done in person, use authentication methods to verify that you are speaking to the right person. 

How to generate pin:

- Helpdesk user logs into HYPR admin portal at 

- Locate ‘Workstation’ on left panel.

- Locate workstation. 
 - Click to reveal recovery pin. Once the pin is revealed, it cannot be seen again. 
 - Give recovery pin to user.

- Recovery pin will last for 48 hrs, and each user will have access to 4 of them.

Recovery Pin/magic link for web authentication, pls note this action can only be performed by the super administrators. 

- Go to
 - On the left panel, select ‘Web Application’ if it isn’t already. 
 - On the left panel, select ‘Magic Links’
- Add user name (

- Leave ‘Token Validity Time In seconds’ as 86400
- Leave ‘Domain Prefix’ as
 - Click ‘Create Magic Link’

- Provide link to user for web enrolment.